What is considered a community theatre? 

Community theatres are considered theatres that are run by a local recreation department, local government, township, or other local facility or organization. These are mainly non-profits, but there are some exceptions. 

What is considered a professional theatre? 

Professional theatres are considered theatres that are run by a professional organizations, have paid actors, and/or are managed by a professional production company. 

Why the low prices for community theatre?

Community theatres provide opportunities to kids of all ages. Because of this and the services they provide, this is my way of "giving back" to them. These prices are low because I know how tough it can be to CT's to get photographers especially when most of/if any revenue only comes from ticket sales. I would do it for free, but I need to charge something to cover equipment and time costs. 

Just because the price is low, doesn't mean the quality is bad :)